Alafi Neuroimaging Core User Fees
Schedule of Fees
Effective January 1, 2024
Prices and times subject to change
Note that user fees are subsidized by the Hope Center, if the billing PI is a Hope Center faculty member. (Subsidies do not apply to the flow sorter and analyzer.)
Resource links
– NEW! PANNORAMIC P250 slide scanner
– Hamamatsu NanoZoomer slide scanner
– Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
– Visiopharm VIS Image Analysis Software
– NEW! Flow Cytometry equipment
All Equipment
Staff Assistance $60/hour
- We charge when doing work for and/or with a user.
- We do not charge for helping a user or answering their questions.
Slide Scanners
- Hamamatsu NanoZoomer
The NanoZoomer is available for scanning by users (after training).
Staff Scanning is done on either the NanoZoomer or the P250, depending on the users’ needs.
NanoZoomer Training
- Brightfield $75/session
- Fluorescent $40/session
Up to 3 people from the same lab may attend a training session.
Brightfield training is required before fluorescent training.
Nanozoomer scanning by user
- Weekdays $50/hour
- Evenings $25/hour
- Weekends $10/hour
WashU holidays are charged at weekend rates.
Alafi Staff scanning
- Brightfield $2.50/slide
- Fluorescent $50/hour
- Plus staff assistance charges (when applicable).
- Plus staff assistance charges for setting up profiles for fluorescent scanning.
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
AFM Training $100/session
Each training session is for one person only.
- Weekdays $40/hour
- Evenings $20/hour
- Weekends $10/hour
WashU holidays are charged at weekend rates.
VIS (formerly Visiomorph) Image Analysis Software
Training $100/session
Use $20/hour
Each training session is for one person only.
Flow Cytometry equipment
Flow Analyzer
- Training $100/session
- Use $37/hour
Each training session is for 1-3 people.
Cell Sorter
- Training $200/session
- Use $67/hour
Each training session is for 1-2 people.
Nanozoomer and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Use Hours
- Weekdays: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Evenings: Monday – Thursday 5:00 PM – 9:00 AM
- Weekends: Friday 5:00 PM – Monday 9:00 AM
Users will be charged for reserved but unused time at half the hourly rate.
Different charges will apply to users outside of Washington University.
Contact Gary London at with any inquiries.