Rodent surgical services for investigators with IACUC* approval

The overall objective of the Animal Surgery Core (ASC) is to assist translation of scientific discoveries to rodent models and to facilitate development of new therapeutic strategies for nervous system disorders. The ASC provides access to core equipment and facilities, and expertise for surgery or protocol development.
Additionally, equipment in the facility is open to Hope Center investigators who complete appropriate training. Animal Studies Committee approval is required.
* Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Services and Procedures
If you are interested in using the Animal surgery core services, please contact Susie Grathwohl.
To initiate a new project fill in a new project request.
Contact information and feedback
We always strive to improve services and resources offered by the Hope Center Cores. To provide feedback, see contact information below.
All project requests: Susie Grathwohl, Research lab supervisor
Other Inquiries: Dr. Jin-Moo Lee, Director
Acknowledging the Core
The Animal Surgery Core has been supported by grants as well as the Hope Center for Neurological Disorders. Publications that include data from core use should acknowledge the core as appropriate.
Acknowledgements are crucial in tracking success of the core and obtaining future funding, as well as being required by the NIH Public Access Policy.
Suggested language for acknowledging the core: “This work was supported by the Hope Center Animal Surgery Core at Washington University School of Medicine.”
ICTS funding option
Hope Center Core users may be eligible to apply for a Just-in-Time (JIT) award from the Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS). Faculty members without established funding for their projects are encouraged to apply for JIT funding through the ICTS. Visit the ICTS JIT webpage for additional details.