How to apply for and maintain membership


Hope Center Faculty Members represent scientists and physician scientists whose diverse research programs are designed to address the Hope Center mission: a better understanding of biological mechanisms that underlie neurological disease, and development of therapies. Consistent with our focus on collaboration, members commit to participation in Hope Center activities. 

Benefits of membership include the opportunity to apply as a PI for a Hope Center Pilot Project award, and a subsidy towards user fees for Hope Center Core facilities. In exchange for these benefits, the Hope Center requires that active faculty members pursue research that is relevant to our mission, and commit to participation in Hope Center activities.

Relevant research

Applicants must have faculty appointments and an active research program with demonstrated relevance to the Hope Center mission.

The mission of the Hope Center is to improve the lives of people living with neurological disorders, through collaborative research that aims to discover fundamental mechanisms of neurodegeneration and repair, and translate that new understanding into cures and treatments.

Commitment to participate

The Hope Center supports several opportunities for education and collaboration: monthly Research Group meetings, Monday Noon seminars, an annual Retreat, and occasional events with Hope Happens. Faculty applying for Hope Center membership agree to participate in two or more of these activities.

Research Group Meetings

There currently are eight Hope Center Research Groups:

Research groups typically meet monthly during the academic year, with presentations by faculty or lab members in a lab meeting format. Presenters in all of these groups can be from outside Hope Center labs.

Monday Noon Seminars

The weekly Hope Center Monday Noon seminar series runs from September through May, and is organized along mini-series topics that are coordinated by Hope Center faculty members.

Annual Hope Center Retreat

The annual Hope Center Retreat is held in early spring, and is an opportunity for members of Hope Center labs and new Hope Center faculty to showcase their work.  The Retreat program includes short talks from graduate students and post docs, a keynote talk, and a poster session. Graduate student and post doc presenters are eligible to compete for Hope Center Awards.

Occasional fundraising events with our partner, Hope Happens

The Hope Center is a collaborative alliance with our not-for-profit partner, Hope Happens. Hope Happens provides much-needed funding and works to raise awareness of our efforts. Hope Center faculty are occasionally invited to participate in these efforts.

How to apply

Faculty considering Hope Center membership are encouraged to contact Anneliese Schaefer in advance of submitting a complete application.

An application for membership should include:

  1. A one-paragraph description of the applicant’s research program, including a description of how that program addresses the Hope Center mission.
  2. A biosketch or a list of relevant grant support and/or publications that address mechanisms of neurological disorders, injury and/or repair.
  3. Designation of the Hope Center Research Group(s) that best fits the research goals of the lab.

Maintaining membership status

As noted, Hope Center Faculty members commit to participation in Hope Center activities.  This includes at least two of the following:

Participation will be evaluated on an annual basis.