DNA/RNA Purification prices

Subject to change

Extractions (DNA)

  • DNA Whole Blood (1-10 mL) $25.00/sample
  • DNA Whole Blood (<1 mL) $18.00/sample
  • DNA Plasma (<1 mL) $25.00/sample
  • DNA Cell free from Plasma (<1 mL) $31.00
  • DNA Buffy (1-10mL) $25.00/sample
  • DNA Buffy (<1 mL) $18.00/sample
  • DNA Saliva (Oragene) $22.00/sample
  • DNA Saliva (Oragene Swabs) $25.00/sample
  • DNA Mouthwash $20.00/sample
  • DNA Cell Pellet/Cultured Cells $19.00/sample
  • DNA Buccal swab $23.00/sample
  • DNA FFPE (Blood Card) $28.00
  • DNA FFPE $21.00
  • DNA Frozen Tissue (< 50mg) $24.00
  • DNA Bacteria (Gram+/Gram-) $24.00

Extractions (RNA)

  • RNA Tissue (<20mg) $24.50/sample
  • RNA Cells $21.00/sample
  • RNA Saliva $23.00/sample
  • RNA Paxgene $24.00/sample
  • RNA FFPE $24.00

Extractions (TNA)

  • Viral Total Nucleic Acid: $23.00/sample


  • QC Nanodrop DNA/RNA concentration $2.00/sample
  • QC Tapestation DNA/DIN analysis $12.00/sample
  • QC Tapestation NGS Library $7.00/sample
  • QC Tapestation RNA/RIN analysis $7.00/sample

Sample Transfers

  • Aliquotting/Transfer from 2Dtubes to 96 well plates $25.00/plate
  • Aliquotting/Transfer from 1.5/1.7mL to 2Dtubes tubes $5.00/sample


  • APOE genotyping $6.00/sample
  • KASPar Genotyping $3.00/sample
  • <40 samples (KASPar Genotyping) $30.00/genotyping run surcharge for <40 samples

Sanger Sequencing

  • Sanger Sequencing (Primers not included) $25.00/reaction


  • Normalization/Plating (ND Analysis)(GWAS): Normalizationto specified DNA concentration (Nanodrop) and plating to 96 well plates $7.50/sample
  • Normalization/Plating (Pico Green Analysis)(Methylation) Normalization for methylation studies (PicoGreen) (+/- 5ng/ul)and plating to 96 well plates $12.00/sample

PBMC Isolation

  • Isolation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells into 2D cryo tube; ready for storage $80.00 first sample ($60.00 for 2nd-4th samples; all samples must be delivered at the same time, all samples drawn within the last 24h)

Sample Storage (LN2)

  • Short or Long Term Storage in LN2 Freezer $3.00/Micronic Rack

Sample Storage (-80)

  • Sample storage (microtubes in cardboard box) $8.00/box/month (box of 81 samples; 9×9 box)
  • Sample storage (1.40mL tubes in micronic rack format) $5.50/box/month (rack of 96 samples; 12×8 box)
  • Sample storage (0.75mL tubes in micronic rack format) $2.75/box/month (rack of 96 samples; 12×8 box)
  • Tissue storage (6mL micronic tubes ) $5.50/box/month (rack of 24 samples; 6×4 box)
  • Tissue storage (4mL micronic tubes ) $5.50/box/month (rack of 48 samples; 8×6 box)
  • PAXgene storage (49 sample box) $22.00/box/month (box of 49 samples; 7×7 box)

Sample Pull

  • Plasma Pull $10.00
  • DNA Pull  $7.00

Kit Design & Construction

Rush jobs

  • Additional 30% of regular price

Updated 11/14/2023