Asylum Research MFP-3D-BIO Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)


Fort Neuroscience Research Building,
Room 3197


Purchase of this multiphoton microscope and lasers were made possible by an NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10 RR05857) and a generous gift from the Alafi Family Foundation.


Asylum Research MFP-3D-BIO atomic force microscope mounted on Olympus X711 microscope.

  • MFP-3D-BIO atomic force microscope MFP-3D scanner, all digital controller and cantilever holder compatible with both air and liquid applications
  • TMC Acoustic noise enclosure
  • Air temperature control unit, environmental enclosure
  • Olympus X71 inverted fluorescence microscope
  • Software: MFP-3D (6.22A)


  1. The Asylum Research MFP-3D BIO atomic force microscope is available to members of the Washington University Medical School and scientists from other research institutions, both educational and commercial, who have completed a basic training session and reserved a time slot.
  2. Training sessions can be scheduled by contacting Kris (362-4876, The training session may be attended by 1-3 people and takes about two hours. The mandatory training covers the procedures of the Alafi Neuroimaging Laboratory, introduction to the principles atomic force microscopy and basic operations of the microscope. After completing the mandatory training session, the user is granted access to the facility and can work independently.
  3. Users can reserve time slots on “first come first serve” basis using our web-based calendar (; Login ID: alafiafm, contact Gary or Kris for password). When signing up, please put down just your computer login ID into the timeslot’s “TITLE” field. Other information (for your own use) may be put into the calendar’s “NOTES” field for that time slot.
  4. Assistance in solving imaging problems is readily available by contacting Kris (lab: 362-4876, or Gary (cell: 314-647-1812, during normal business hours (9 a.m.-5p.m.).
  5. The users might want to check the calendar for urgent messages regarding the instrument status and staff availability.
  6. Users planning to work after hours or on weekends should make sure that they have everything they need (room access, working passwords, etc.) to complete their tasks prior to scheduling their work as staff assistance might not be available.
  7. All comments and concerns regarding our facility, equipment and procedures should be directed to Kris or Gary.
  8. To allow a fair and efficient utilization of the microscopes, we recommend that:
    1. The microscope should be reserved in advance for the time that is needed to perform the desired tasks.
    2. Time reservation gives the user absolute priority over unscheduled/extended usage. Still, showing some flexibility would be greatly appreciated.
    3. Time reservations that cannot be utilized should be cancelled as soon as possible to let other users use all available time. Reservations not cancelled by 12.00 pm (noon) on the preceding day will be subject to “reserved/unused” time charge corresponding to 50% of normal rates.