Hamamatsu NanoZoomer
Whole-slide imaging system
Fort Neuroscience Research Building,
Room 3197
The purchase of this system was made possible by a Shared Instrumentation Grant (NCRR 1S10RR027552).
Hamamatsu NanoZoomer HT model.
- Hamamatsu NanoZoomer 2.0-HT System
- Capacity – 210 standard 3” x 1” slides
- 0.46 µm/pixel (20x) or 0.23 µm/pixel (40x) resolution
- Brightfield and fluorescence imaging modes
- Fluorescence filters
- Software
- NDP.scan 2.5 for image acquisition
- NDP.view for image viewing (Free download: NDP viewer)
Equipment in the Alafi Neuroimaging lab can be reserved via calendars at calendar.yahoo.com, user IDs are found below. Please contact Gary London (microscope@zootalk.net) or Kris Hyrc (hyrck@wustl.edu) for login passwords. Note that potential users must attend a training session prior to using the microscopes.
- The NanoZoomer is available to members of the Washington University Medical School who have completed a brief training session and reserved a time slot.
- Training sessions can be scheduled by contacting Gary (microscope@zootalk.net) or Kris (hyrck@wustl.edu). The training session may be attended by 1-3 people and takes about an hour. There is a flat fee of $50 for the basic and and $30 for the additional fluorescence training session.
- Time reservations can be made in advance using our web-based calendar (www.calendar.yahoo.com); user ID: alafizoomer (contact Gary or Kris for the password). Please allow approximately 10 minutes per whole slide (for brightfield scans; fluorescent scans may take longer, depending on the number of filters used). When signing up, please put down just your login ID for the NanoZoomer computer into the timeslot’s “TITLE” field. Other information (for your own use) may be put into the calendar’s “NOTES” field for that time slot.
- Assistance in solving imaging problems and answering application questions is readily available by contacting Kris (lab: 362-4876, hyrck@wustl.edu) or Gary (cell: 314-647-1812, microscope@zootalk.net) during normal business hours (9 a.m.-5p.m.).
- The users might want to check the calendar for urgent messages regarding the instrument status and staff availability.
- Users planning to work after hours or on weekends should make sure that they have everything they need (room access, working passwords, etc.) to complete their tasks prior to scheduling their work as staff assistance might not be available.
- All comments and concerns regarding our facility, equipment and procedures should be directed to Kris or Gary.
- To allow a fair and efficient utilization of the NanoZoomer, we recommend that:
- During normal business hours (9 AM – 5 PM) priority is given to users who need to scan slides in single slide mode, semi-automatic batch mode, or no more than 15 slides in automatic batch mode.
- After hours and on weekends the instrument can be used to scan batches of up to 60 slides (overnight) and 210 slides (over the weekend).
- If no one has reserved the instrument during normal hours 24 hours in advance for the purpose described in A, it may be used to scan sets of over 15 slides in any mode.
- Users who wish to scan batches in brightfield automatic mode have the option of working independently or dropping off their slides to be scanned by staff after normal business hours. Those who chose the latter option must load their slides into the cassettes and give them to Gary or Kris no later than 5 pm. We can accept slides from as many users as needed, as long as the estimated total scan time does not overlap with time reserved by other users the following day. Slides will be loaded in the order of smallest batch to largest. Users may pick up their slides and files after 9 AM the following day (weekdays) or after 9 AM on Monday (weekends). These scans will be charged by the slide.
- Users who wish to work independently after hours or on weekends may do so if the time is not reserved for batch scanning by staff. These scans will be charged by the hour at a lower rate than normal daytime hours.