Organizer: Jason Ulrich

The Neurodegeneration Research Group is the working group for the Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation & Neurodegeneration (HPAN), the most formalized of the Hope Center Research Groups. HPAN’s goal is to develop better ways to diagnose and treat neurodegenerative diseases through an understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to protein aggregation and disease. 

2025 Schedule

2nd Wednesday of the month
9:00a – 10:00a
Fort Neuroscience Research Building (NRB) 9101

For inquiries contact the Hope Center.

  • January 8: Crystal Song (Holtzman lab, WashU Neurology) “The development of a novel cellular therapy with chimeric antigen receptor for Alzheimer’s Disease”
  • SPECIAL Seminar, January 15: Miranda Orr (WashU Neurology) “Spatial Multiomics Profiling of Single Cells in Human Brains Across the Lifespan and Alzheimer’s Disease”
    NOTE location: Fort NRB 7101
  • February 12: Rebecca Miller (Kotzbauer lab, WashU Neurology) “Identifying contributors to Lewy body dementia”
  • SPECIAL Seminar, February 19: Randy Brutkiewicz (Indiana University) “Part of the immune system you’ve probably not heard much about: The MR1/MAIT cell axis in Alzheimer’s disease”
    NOTE location: Zoom only – Click for Zoom information (WUSTL Key required)
  • March 12: Eileen Lynch (Weihl lab, WashU Neurology) “TDP-43 aggregation: Similarities and differences between neurodegeneration and myopathy”
  • April 9: Dylan Galloway (Miller lab, WashU Neurology)
  • May 14: Emma Danhash (Karch lab, WashU Psychiatry)

For previous years’ presentations, check out the archives link below.

All meetings are listed on the ONR Calendar of the Office of Neuroscience Research.

2024 Fall schedule
  • September 11: Zhao Sun (Yoo lab, WashU Developmental Biology) “Modeling late-onset Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology via direct neuronal reprogramming”
  • October 9: William Buchser (WashU Genetics) “Single Neuron Image Analysis Tools in Functional Genomics”
  • November 13: Laura Campisi (WashU Pathology & Immunology) “Immune Dysfunctions in ALS-4”
  • December 11: Aisan Gharehgeshlaghi (Gallardo lab, WashU Neurology) “Targeted extracellular protein degradation by lysosome using modified mannose 6 phosphate receptors”
Neurodegeneration Group: Affiliated faculty members

Beau Ances (WashU Neurology)
Ghazal Ashrafi (WashU Cell Biology & Physiology)
John Atkinson (WashU Medicine)
Yuna Ayala (Saint Louis University)
Randall Bateman (WashU Neurology)
Tammie Benzinger (WashU Radiology)
Kendall Blumer (WashU Cell Biology & Physiology)
Thomas Brett (WashU Medicine)
Anil Cashikar (WashU Psychiatry)
Aisling Chaney (WashU Radiology)
Jaehyung (Gus) Cho (WashU Medicine)
John Cirrito (WashU Neurology)
Marco Colonna (WashU Pathology & Immunology)
Carlos Cruchaga (WashU Psychiatry)
Ralph Dacey (WashU Neurosurgery)
Gus Davis (WashU Neurology)
Abhinav Diwan (WashU Medicine)
Nico Dosenbach (WashU Neurology)
Gabor Egervari (WashU Genetics/WashU Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Susan Farr (Saint Louis University)
Liberty Francois-Moutal (Saint Louis University)
Carl Frieden (WashU Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics)
Ziao Fu (WashU Cell Biology & Physiology)
Gilbert Gallardo (WashU Neurology)
Brian Gordon (WashU Radiology)
Dennis Hallahan (WashU Radiation Oncology)
Edward Han (WashU Neuroscience)
Tamara Hershey (WashU Psychiatry)
Keiko Hirose (WashU Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery)
David Holtzman (WashU Neurology)
Song Hu (WashU Biomedical Engineering)
Masatoshi Inoue (WashU Radiology)
Meredith Jackrel (WashU Chemistry)
Sanjay Jain (WashU Medicine)
Celeste Karch (WashU Psychiatry)
Jonathan Kipnis (WashU Pathology & Immunology)
Paul Kotzbauer (WashU Neurology)
Lex Kravitz (WashU Psychiatry)
Geraldine Kress (WashU Neurology)
Terrance Kummer (WashU Neurology)
Jin-Moo Lee (WashU Neurology)
Mingjie Li (WashU Neurology)
Tristan Li (WashU Neuroscience)
Xiaowei Li (WashU Surgery)
Yang (Eric) Li (WashU Neurosurgery)
Brendan Lucey (WashU Neurology)
Moe Mahjoub (WashU Medicine)
Soe Mar (WashU Neurology)
Helen McNeill (WashU Developmental Biology)
Steve Mennerick (WashU Psychiatry)
Timothy Miller (WashU Neurology)
John Morris (WashU Neurology)
Erik Musiek (WashU Neurology)
Arash Nazeri (WashU Radiology)
Andrew Nguyen (Saint Louis University)
Kevin Noguchi (WashU Psychiatry)
David Ornitz (WashU Developmental Biology)
Rohit Pappu (WashU Biomedical Engineering)
Steven Paul (WashU Psychiatry)
David Perlmutter (WashU Pediatrics)
Joel Perlmutter (WashU Neurology)
Richard Perrin (WashU Pathology & Immunology)
Alan Pestronk (WashU Neurology)
Steve Petersen (WashU Neurology)
Nicola Pozzi (Saint Louis University)
Marc Raichle (WashU Radiology)
Naresha Saligrama (WashU Neurology)
Daniela Salvemini (Saint Louis University)
Mark Sands (WashU Medicine)
Anneliese Schaefer (WashU Neurology)
Suzanne Schindler (WashU Neurology)
Robert Schmidt (WashU Pathology & Immunology)
Ikbal Sencan-Egilmez (WashU Radiology)
Lori Setton (WashU Biomedical Engineering)
Joy Snider (WashU Neurology)
Amber Stratman (WashU Cell Biology & Physiology)
Heather True (WashU Cell Biology & Physiology)
Jason Ulrich (WashU Neurology)
Fumihiko Urano (WashU Medicine)
Andrei Vlassenko (WashU Radiology)
Yong Wang (WashU Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Chris Weihl (WashU Neurology)
Hiroko Yano (WashU Neurosurgery)
Andrew Yoo (WashU Developmental Biology)
Gregory Zipfel (WashU Neurosurgery)